The Lithuania District Annual Conference 2014 ended on a glorious note with the ordination of two persons, Jolita Piečiaitė-Erbele as Elder and Jelena Kask, as Deacon. Jelena was the first Deacon ordained in Lithuania while Jolita had the privilege of being ordained in one of the church she pastors, Pilviškiai United Methodist Church. Jelena serves with her husband Andrus in planting a new church in Vilnius. Jolita and her husband Andrew Erbele, are co-pastors of both Pilviškiai and Kybartai United Methodist Churches. Jolita and Andrew, along with the Pilviškiai United Methodist Church were wonderful hosts for the Annual Conference. It is the first time since 2000 that the Annual Conference has been held outside Kaunas. People were enthused and hope the tradition continues to move the location of Annual Conference around to the various churches of the district.
Many said they felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in a tangible way during the ordination service. After Bishop Christian Alsted’s sermon following the theme of the Conference, “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”, (Joshua 24:15b), more than two thirds of the congregation present, which totalled around 100 people, came forward for prayer and rededication of their life to Christian service. After the worship service, the day had a crowning finish as three white doves, representing the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, were released into the air and the community.
From left, Helen Lovelace, Bill Lovelace, new deacon Jelena Kask, new elder Jolita Piečiaitė-Erbele, Bishop Christian Alsted.
Helen with Jelena. Helen was Jelena's mentor during her Deacon's candidacy.
Doves are released